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Property | Smart EQ fortwo cabrio |
Years of Production | 2020-2023 Years of Production |
Current Status | Discontinued Current Status |
Country of Manufacture | Slovenia Country of Manufacture |
Body Style | Cabriolet Body Style |
Market Availability | EU Market Availability |
GCC Score | 3.9 GCC Score |
Property | Smart EQ fortwo cabrio |
Range (WLTP) | 81 mi Range (WLTP) |
Range (GCC) | 71 mi Range (GCC) |
Battery Capacity (Nominal) | 17.6 kWh Battery Capacity (Nominal) |
Battery Capacity (Usable) | 16.7 kWh Battery Capacity (Usable) |
Efficiency per 100 mi | 23.5 kWh/100 mi Efficiency per 100 mi |
Efficiency per kWh | 4.25 mi/kWh Efficiency per kWh |
Range and Efficiency Score | 5.5 Range and Efficiency Score |
Property | Smart EQ fortwo cabrio |
Max Charging Power (AC) | 7.2 kW Max Charging Power (AC) |
Max Charging Power (DC) | - Max Charging Power (DC) |
Architecture | 400 V Architecture |
Charge Port | Type 2 (Mennekes) Charge Port |
Charging Score | 2.8 Charging Score |
Property | Smart EQ fortwo cabrio |
Length | 106.1 in Length |
Width (with Mirrors) | 69 in Width (with Mirrors) |
Width (w/o Mirrors) | 65.5 in Width (w/o Mirrors) |
Height | 61.2 in Height |
Wheelbase | 73.7 in Wheelbase |
Property | Smart EQ fortwo cabrio |
Number of Seats | 2 Number of Seats |
Curb Weight | 2480 lb Curb Weight |
Cargo Volume (Trunk) | 9.2 ft3 Cargo Volume (Trunk) |
Cargo Volume (Max) | 12 ft3 Cargo Volume (Max) |
Cargo Volume (Frunk) | - Cargo Volume (Frunk) |
Towing Capacity | - Towing Capacity |
Cargo and Towing Score | 2.9 Cargo and Towing Score |
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