Dacia Spring Electric Cargo 65 hp

Years of Production
When the car first came out and when they stopped making it
This car is not available in the US, but you can still compare it with other cars


Currently Produced
65 hp Since 2024

Fuel Savings

If You Switched to Dacia Spring Cargo Electric 65 (2024-…)
in 5 years you could save
$ 6 371 on fuel
2 383
8 754
EV fuel savings are calculated using the following parameters:
  • Annual mileage: 13 476 mi
  • ICE vehicle efficiency: 24,4 mpg
  • Gasoline price: $3,17 per gallon
  • Electricity price: $0,16 per kWh
These estimates exclude factors like fluctuations in gas and electricity prices or car maintenance and insurance costs. Open Savings Calculator