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Tesla Model Y Long Range AWD (2022-…) supports both AC and DC charging.
The car is built on a 400 V architecture and can charge at up to 11.5 kW AC and 250 kW DC.
The 78.1 kWh battery (75 kWh usable) delivers a real-world range of 293 miles per charge, with an average efficiency of 25.6 kWh/100 mi (3.91 miles per kWh).
Charging the Tesla Model Y Long Range AWD (2022-…) from % to % using a outlet takes approximately h min. If you plug it in now, it'll be ready by .
This charging session adds kWh to the battery, resulting in an increase of mi in range, assuming an average car efficiency of 25.6 kWh per 100 mi. Put differently, you gain mi of range per hour of charge.
The average charging power is around kilowatts. It's influenced by various factors, including:The estimated cost of this charging session is $, based on an electricity rate of $ per kilowatt-hour.
Curious about how the Tesla Model Y Long Range AWD (2022-…) stacks up against other electric cars when it comes to AC charging? Check out Green Cars Compare EV Rankings to see a side-by-side comparison.
Charging the Tesla Model Y Long Range AWD (2022-…) from % to % using a station takes approximately h min. If you plug it in now, it'll be ready by .
This charging session adds kWh to the battery, resulting in an increase of mi in range, assuming an average car efficiency of 25.6 kWh per 100 mi. Put differently, you gain mi of range per hour of charge.
The average charging power is around kilowatts. It's influenced by various factors, including:The estimated cost of this charging session is $, based on an electricity rate of $ per kilowatt-hour.
Curious about how the Tesla Model Y Long Range AWD (2022-…) stacks up against other electric cars when it comes to DC charging? Check out Green Cars Compare EV Rankings to see a side-by-side comparison.