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BYD Tang Flagship (2022-2024) BYD Tang Flagship (2024-…) Cadillac Escalade IQ First Edition (2024-…) Cadillac Lyriq AWD (2022-…) Cadillac Lyriq RWD (2022-…) Cadillac Optiq First Edition (2024-…) Cadillac Vistiq AWD (2025-…) Chevrolet Blazer EV AWD (2023-…) Chevrolet Blazer EV Performance AWD (2024-…) Chevrolet Blazer EV RWD (2023-…) Chevrolet Bolt EUV Gen 1 (2022-2023) Chevrolet Bolt EV Gen 1 (2017-2019) Chevrolet Bolt EV Gen 2 (2020-2021) Chevrolet Bolt EV Gen 3 (2022-2023) Chevrolet Equinox EV AWD (2024-…) Chevrolet Equinox EV FWD (2024-…) Chevrolet Silverado EV LT Extended Range (2025-…) Chevrolet Silverado EV RST Max Range (2024-…) Chevrolet Silverado EV Work Truck Extended Range (2024-…) Chevrolet Silverado EV Work Truck Max Range (2024-…) Chevrolet Spark EV 19 kWh (2015-2017) Chevrolet Spark EV 21 kWh (2013-2014) Citroën C-Zero Gen 1 (2010-2020) Citroën e-Berlingo M 50 kWh (2021-…) Citroën e-Berlingo Multispace (2017-2020) Citroën e-Berlingo XL 50 kWh (2021-…) Citroën e-C3 (2024-…) Citroën e-C3 Aircross (2024-…) Citroën e-C4 50 kWh (2020-2024) Citroën e-C4 50 kWh (2024-…) Citroën e-C4 54 kWh (2023-2024) Citroën e-C4 54 kWh (2024-…) Citroën e-C4 X 50 kWh (2022-2024) Citroën e-C4 X 50 kWh (2024-…) Citroën e-C4 X 54 kWh (2023-2024) Citroën e-C4 X 54 kWh (2024-…) Citroën e-Jumpy Combi M 50 kWh (2020-…) Citroën e-Jumpy Combi M 75 kWh (2020-…) Citroën e-Jumpy Combi XL 50 kWh (2020-…) Citroën e-Jumpy Combi XL 75 kWh (2020-…) Citroën e-Jumpy Combi XS 50 kWh (2020-2022) Citroën e-SpaceTourer M 50 kWh (2020-…) Citroën e-SpaceTourer M 75 kWh (2021-…) Citroën e-SpaceTourer XL 50 kWh (2020-…) Citroën e-SpaceTourer XL 75 kWh (2021-…) Citroën e-SpaceTourer XS 50 kWh (2020-2021) Cupra Born 58 kWh (2021-2024) Cupra Born 59 kWh (2024-…) Cupra Born 77 kWh (2022-…) Cupra Born VZ (2024-…) Cupra Tavascan Endurance (2023-…) Cupra Tavascan VZ (2023-…) Dacia Spring Cargo Electric 45 (2023-2024) Dacia Spring Cargo Electric 65 (2024-…) Dacia Spring Electric (2021-2022) Dacia Spring Electric 45 (2022-2024) Dacia Spring Electric 45 (2024-…) Dacia Spring Electric 65 (2023-2024) Dacia Spring Electric 65 (2024-…) Dodge Charger Daytona 2DR R/T (2024-...) Dodge Charger Daytona 2DR Scat Pack (2024-...) Dongfeng Box 31.4 kWh (2025-...) Dongfeng Box 42.3 kWh (2024-...) Drako Motors GTE First Edition (2020-…) DS 3 Crossback E-Tense (2020-2022) DS 3 E-Tense (2022-…) Faraday Future FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance (2023-…) Fiat 500e 3+1 24 kWh (2022-…) Fiat 500e 3+1 42 kWh (2020-…) Fiat 500e Cabrio 24 kWh (2022-…) Fiat 500e Cabrio 42 kWh (2020-…) Fiat 500e Hatchback 24 kWh (2013-2019) Fiat 500e Hatchback 24 kWh (2020-…) Fiat 500e Hatchback 42 kWh (2020-…) Fiat 600e (2023-…) Fiat E-Ulysse L2 50 kWh (2022-…) Fiat E-Ulysse L2 75 kWh (2022-…) Fiat E-Ulysse L3 50 kWh (2022-…) Fiat E-Ulysse L3 75 kWh (2022-…) Fiat Grande Panda (2024-...) Fisker Ocean Extreme (2023-2024) Fisker Ocean Ultra (2023-2024) Ford Capri EV Extended Range AWD (2024-…) Ford Capri EV Extended Range RWD (2024-…) Ford Capri EV Standard Range RWD (2024-…) Ford Explorer EV Extended Range AWD (2024-…) Ford Explorer EV Extended Range RWD (2024-…) Ford Explorer EV Standard Range RWD (2024-…) Ford F-150 Lightning Extended Range (2022-…) Ford F-150 Lightning Standard Range (2022-…) Ford Focus Electric 23 kWh (2011-2017) Ford Focus Electric 33 kWh (2017-2018) Ford Mustang Mach-E California Route 1 AWD (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E California Route 1 RWD (2020-2022) Ford Mustang Mach-E California Route 1 RWD (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range AWD (2020-2022) Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range AWD (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range AWD (2023-…) Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range RWD (2020-2022) Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range RWD (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range RWD (2023-…) Ford Mustang Mach-E GT (2021-2022) Ford Mustang Mach-E GT (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E GT (2023-…) Ford Mustang Mach-E GT Performance Edition (2021-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E Rally (2024-…) Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range AWD (2020-2022) Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range AWD (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range AWD (2023-…) Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range RWD (2020-2022) Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range RWD (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range RWD (2023-…) Ford Puma Gen-E FWD (2024-…) Genesis Electrified G80 AWD (2022-…) Genesis Electrified GV70 AWD (2022-…) Genesis GV60 Advanced AWD (2022-…) Genesis GV60 Performance AWD (2022-…) Genesis GV60 Standard AWD (2024-…) Genesis GV60 Standard RWD (2022-…) GMC Hummer EV Pickup 2X (2023-…) GMC Hummer EV Pickup 3X Extended Range (2021-…) GMC Hummer EV Pickup 3X Standard Range (2023-…) GMC Hummer EV SUV 2X (2024-…) GMC Hummer EV SUV 3X (2023-…) GMC Sierra EV Denali Edition 1 (2024-…) GWM ORA 03 48 kWh (2022-…) GWM ORA 03 63 kWh (2023-…) GWM ORA 03 GT (2023-…) GWM ORA 07 (2024-…) GWM ORA 07 GT (2024-…) Honda Clarity Electric (2017-2019) Honda e (2020-2022) Honda e Advance (2020-2023) Honda eNy1 (2023-…) Honda Fit EV (2013-2015) Honda Prologue AWD (2024-...) Honda Prologue FWD (2024-...) Hongqi E-HS9 120 kWh (2023-...) Hongqi E-HS9 84 kWh (2022-...) Hongqi E-HS9 99 kWh (2022-...) Hyundai Casper (Inster) Electric Long Range (2024-...) Hyundai Casper (Inster) Electric Standard Range (2024-...) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Long Range AWD (2022-2024) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Long Range AWD (2024-…) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Long Range RWD (2021-2022) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Long Range RWD (2022-2024) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Long Range RWD (2024-…) Hyundai Ioniq 5 N (2023-…) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Project 45 (2021) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Standard Range AWD (2021-2022) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Standard Range RWD (2021-2024) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Standard Range RWD (2024-…) Hyundai Ioniq 6 Long Range AWD (2022-…) Hyundai Ioniq 6 Long Range RWD (2022-…) Hyundai Ioniq 6 Standard Range RWD (2023-…) Hyundai Ioniq 9 Long Range AWD (2025-…) Hyundai Ioniq 9 Long Range RWD (2025-…) Hyundai Ioniq 9 Performance AWD (2025-…) Hyundai Ioniq Electric Gen 1 (2016-2019) Hyundai Ioniq Electric Gen 2 (2019-2022) Hyundai Kona Electric Long Range (2018-2019) Hyundai Kona Electric Long Range (2019-2021) Hyundai Kona Electric Long Range (2021-2023) Hyundai Kona Electric Long Range (2023-…) Hyundai Kona Electric Standard Range (2018-2019) Hyundai Kona Electric Standard Range (2019-2021) Hyundai Kona Electric Standard Range (2021-2023) Hyundai Kona Electric Standard Range (2023-…) Jaguar I-Pace EV320 (2020-2024) Jaguar I-Pace EV400 (2018-2020) Jaguar I-Pace EV400 (2020-…) Jeep Avenger Electric (2023-…) Jeep Wagoneer S (2024-…) KGM Torres EVX (2024-...) Kia EV3 Long Range (2024-…) Kia EV3 Standard Range (2024-…) Kia EV6 GT (2022-2024) Kia EV6 GT (2025-…) Kia EV6 Long Range AWD (2021-2024) Kia EV6 Long Range AWD (2024-…) Kia EV6 Long Range RWD (2021-2024) Kia EV6 Long Range RWD (2024-…) Kia EV6 Standard Range RWD (2021-2024) Kia EV6 Standard Range RWD (2024-…) Kia EV9 GT (2025-…) Kia EV9 GT Line AWD (2023-…) Kia EV9 Long Range AWD (2023-…) Kia EV9 Long Range RWD (2023-…) Kia EV9 Standard Range RWD (2023-…) Kia Niro EV Long Range (2018-2022) Kia Niro EV Long Range (2022-…) Kia Niro EV Standard Range (2019-2022) Kia Soul EV (2014-2017) Kia Soul EV (2017-2019) Kia Soul EV Long Range (2020-…) Kia Soul EV Standard Range (2020-…) Lancia Ypsilon (2024-...) Leapmotor C10 (2024-..) Leapmotor T03 (2024-..) Lexus RZ 300e (2024-…) Lexus RZ 450e (2022-…) Lexus UX 300e (2020-2023) Lexus UX 300e (2023-…) Lightyear 0 (2022-2023) Lotus Eletre (2023-…) Lotus Eletre R (2023-…) Lotus Eletre S (2023-…) Lotus Emeya (2024-...) Lotus Emeya R (2024-...) Lotus Emeya S (2024-...) Lucid Air Dream Edition Performance (2021-2022) Lucid Air Dream Edition Range (2021-2022) Lucid Air Grand Touring (2022-…) Lucid Air Grand Touring Performance (2022-2024) Lucid Air Pure AWD (2023-2024) Lucid Air Pure RWD (2022-…) Lucid Air Sapphire (2023-…) Lucid Air Touring (2022-…) Lucid Gravity Grand Touring (2024-…) Maserati GranCabrio Folgore (2024-…) Maserati GranTurismo Folgore (2024-…) Maserati Grecale Folgore (2024-…) Mazda MX-30 Electric (2020-…) Mercedes B 250e (2014-2017) Mercedes EQA 250 (2021-2023) Mercedes EQA 250 (2023-…) Mercedes EQA 250+ (2022-2023) Mercedes EQA 250+ (2023-…) Mercedes EQA 300 4MATIC (2021-2023) Mercedes EQA 300 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQA 350 4MATIC (2021-2023) Mercedes EQA 350 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQB 250 (2022-2023) Mercedes EQB 250+ (2022-2023) Mercedes EQB 250+ (2023-…) Mercedes EQB 300 4MATIC (2022-2023) Mercedes EQB 300 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQB 350 4MATIC (2022-2023) Mercedes EQB 350 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQC 400 4MATIC (2019-2023) Mercedes EQE 300 (2022-…) Mercedes EQE 350 (2022-2023) Mercedes EQE 350 4MATIC (2022-…) Mercedes EQE 350+ (2022-2024) Mercedes EQE 350+ (2024-…) Mercedes EQE 500 4MATIC (2022-…) Mercedes EQE AMG 43 4MATIC (2022-…) Mercedes EQE AMG 53 4MATIC+ (2022-…) Mercedes EQE SUV 300 (2023-…) Mercedes EQE SUV 350 4MATIC (2022-…) Mercedes EQE SUV 350+ (2022-2023) Mercedes EQE SUV 350+ (2023-…) Mercedes EQE SUV 500 4MATIC (2022-2023) Mercedes EQE SUV 500 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQE SUV AMG 43 4MATIC (2022-…) Mercedes EQE SUV AMG 53 4MATIC+ (2023-…) Mercedes EQS 350 (2021-2022) Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC (2022-2024) Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC (2024-…) Mercedes EQS 450+ (2021-2024) Mercedes EQS 450+ (2024-…) Mercedes EQS 500 4MATIC (2022-2024) Mercedes EQS 500 4MATIC (2024-…) Mercedes EQS 580 4MATIC (2021-2024) Mercedes EQS 580 4MATIC (2024-…) Mercedes EQS AMG 53 4MATIC+ (2022-2024) Mercedes EQS AMG 53 4MATIC+ (2024-…) Mercedes EQS SUV 450 4MATIC (2022-2023) Mercedes EQS SUV 450 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQS SUV 450+ (2022-2023) Mercedes EQS SUV 450+ (2023-…) Mercedes EQS SUV 500 4MATIC (2022-2023) Mercedes EQS SUV 500 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQS SUV 580 4MATIC (2022-2023) Mercedes EQS SUV 580 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQS SUV Maybach 680 (2024-…) Mercedes EQT 200 Long (2024-…) Mercedes EQT 200 Standard (2023-…) Mercedes EQV 250 Extra Long (2021-2024) Mercedes EQV 250 Extra Long (2024-...) Mercedes EQV 250 Long (2021-2024) Mercedes EQV 250 Long (2024-...) Mercedes EQV 300 Extra-Long (2020-2024) Mercedes EQV 300 Extra-Long (2024-...) Mercedes EQV 300 Long (2020-2024) Mercedes EQV 300 Long (2024-...) Mercedes eVito Tourer Extra-Long 41 kWh (2019-2020) Mercedes eVito Tourer Extra-Long 60 kWh (2022-2023) Mercedes eVito Tourer Extra-Long 60 kWh (2024-...) Mercedes eVito Tourer Extra-Long 90 kWh (2020-2023) Mercedes eVito Tourer Long 41 kWh (2019-2020) Mercedes eVito Tourer Long 60 kWh (2022-2023) Mercedes eVito Tourer Long 60 kWh (2024-...) Mercedes eVito Tourer Long 90 kWh (2020-2023) Mercedes eVito Tourer Long 90 kWh (2024-...) Mercedes G 580 EQ (2024-…) MG Cyberster GT Dual Motor (2024-...) MG Cyberster Trophy Single Motor (2024-...) MG Marvel R (2021-…) MG Marvel R Performance (2021-…) MG MG4 Electric 51 kWh (2022-…) MG MG4 Electric 64 kWh (2022-…) MG MG4 Electric 77 kWh (2023-…) MG MG4 Electric XPOWER (2023-…) MG MG5 Electric Long Range (2020-2021) MG MG5 Electric Long Range (2022-…) MG MG5 Electric Standard Range (2020-2021) MG MG5 Electric Standard Range (2022-…) MG ZS EV Gen 1 (2019-2021) MG ZS EV Long Range (2021-…) MG ZS EV Standard Range (2021-…) Mini Aceman E (2024-…) Mini Aceman JCW (2024-…) Mini Aceman SE (2024-…) Mini Cooper E (2023-…) Mini Cooper JCW (2024-…) Mini Cooper SE (2020-2021) Mini Cooper SE (2021-2024) Mini Cooper SE (2023-…) Mini Cooper SE Convertible (2023-2024) Mini Countryman E (2024-…) Mini Countryman SE ALL4 (2024-…) Mitsubishi i-MiEV Gen 1 (2010-2021) NIO EL6 Long Range (2023-…) NIO EL6 Standard Range (2023-…) NIO EL7 Long Range (2022-…) NIO EL7 Standard Range (2022-…) NIO EL8 Long Range (2024-…) NIO EL8 Standard Range (2024-…) NIO ET5 Long Range (2022-…) NIO ET5 Standard Range (2022-…) NIO ET5 Touring Long Range (2023-…) NIO ET5 Touring Standard Range (2023-…) NIO ET7 Long Range (2022-…) NIO ET7 Standard Range (2022-…) Nissan Ariya 63 kWh e-4ORCE AWD (2021-…) Nissan Ariya 63 kWh FWD (2021-…) Nissan Ariya 87 kWh e-4ORCE AWD 225 kW (2021-…) Nissan Ariya 87 kWh e-4ORCE AWD 290 kW (2023-…) Nissan Ariya 87 kWh e-4ORCE AWD Nismo (2024-…) Nissan Ariya 87 kWh FWD (2021-…) Nissan e-NV200 Evalia 24 kWh (2014-2018) Nissan e-NV200 Evalia 40 kWh (2018-2021) Nissan Leaf 24 kWh (2010-2013) Nissan Leaf 24 kWh (2013-2018) Nissan Leaf 30 kWh (2015-2018) Nissan Leaf 40 kWh (2017-2022) Nissan Leaf 40 kWh (2022-…) Nissan Leaf 60 kWh (2022-…) Nissan Leaf 62 kWh (2017-2022) Nissan Townstar EV Passenger (2023-…) Omoda E5 (2024-...) Opel Ampera-e Gen 1 (2016-2021) Opel Astra Electric (2023-…) Opel Astra Electric Sports Tourer (2023-…) Opel Combo Electric Life 50 kWh (2021-2024) Opel Combo Electric Life 52 kWh (2024-...) Opel Combo Electric Life XL 50 kWh (2021-2024) Opel Combo Electric Life XL 52 kWh (2024-...) Opel Corsa Electric 50 kWh (2020-2021) Opel Corsa Electric 50 kWh (2021-2023) Opel Corsa Electric 50 kWh (2023-…) Opel Corsa Electric 51 kWh (2023-…) Opel Frontera Electric 44 kWh (2024-…) Opel Grandland Electric 73 kWh (2024-…) Opel Grandland Electric 82 kWh (2024-…) Opel Mokka Electric 50 kWh (2020-2021) Opel Mokka Electric 50 kWh (2021-2023) Opel Mokka Electric 50 kWh (2023-...) Opel Mokka Electric 54 kWh (2023-…) Opel Zafira Electric Life L 50 kWh (2020-2024) Opel Zafira Electric Life L 75 kWh (2021-2024) Opel Zafira Electric Life L2 50 kWh (2024-...) Opel Zafira Electric Life L2 75 kWh (2024-...) Opel Zafira Electric Life L3 50 kWh (2024-...) Opel Zafira Electric Life L3 75 kWh (2024-...) Opel Zafira Electric Life M 50 kWh (2020-2024) Opel Zafira Electric Life M 75 kWh (2021-2024) Opel Zafira Electric Life S 50 kWh (2020-2021) Peugeot e-2008 50 kWh (2020-2021) Peugeot e-2008 50 kWh (2021-2023) Peugeot e-2008 50 kWh (2023-…) Peugeot e-2008 54 kWh (2023-…) Peugeot e-208 50 kWh (2020-2021) Peugeot e-208 50 kWh (2021-2023) Peugeot e-208 50 kWh (2023-…) Peugeot e-208 51 kWh (2022-2023) Peugeot e-208 51 kWh (2023-…) Peugeot e-3008 73 kWh Dual Motor AWD (2024-…) Peugeot e-3008 73 kWh FWD (2024-…) Peugeot e-3008 98 kWh Long Range FWD (2024-…) Peugeot e-308 Hatchback (2023-…) Peugeot e-308 Station Wagon (2023-…) Peugeot e-408 58 kWh (2024-…) Peugeot e-5008 73 kWh Dual Motor AWD (2025-…) Peugeot e-5008 73 kWh FWD (2024-…) Peugeot e-5008 98 kWh Long Range FWD (2024-…) Peugeot e-Rifter Long 50 kWh (2021-…) Peugeot E-Rifter Standart 50 kWh (2021-…) Peugeot e-Traveller Compact 50 kWh (2021-2022) Peugeot e-Traveller Long 50 kWh (2020-…) Peugeot e-Traveller Long 75 kWh (2021-…) Peugeot e-Traveller Standard 75 kWh (2021-…) Peugeot E-Traveller Standart 50 kWh (2020-…) Peugeot iOn Gen 1 (2010-2020) Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric (2017-2020) Polestar 2 Long Range Dual Motor (2020-2023) Polestar 2 Long Range Dual Motor (2023-…) Polestar 2 Long Range Dual Motor (2023) Polestar 2 Long Range Performance (2021-2023) Polestar 2 Long Range Performance (2023-…) Polestar 2 Long Range Single Motor (2021-2023) Polestar 2 Long Range Single Motor (2023-…) Polestar 2 Standard Range Single Motor (2021-2022) Polestar 2 Standard Range Single Motor (2022-2023) Polestar 2 Standard Range Single Motor (2023-2024) Polestar 2 Standard Range Single Motor (2024-…) Polestar 3 Long Range Dual Motor (2024-…) Polestar 3 Long Range Performance (2024-…) Polestar 3 Long Range Single Motor (2024-…) Polestar 4 Long Range Dual Motor (2024-…) Polestar 4 Long Range Single Motor (2024-…) Porsche Macan 4 Electric (2024-…) Porsche Macan 4S Electric (2024-…) Porsche Macan RWD Electric (2024-…) Porsche Macan Turbo Electric (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4 (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4 Cross Turismo (2021-2024) Porsche Taycan 4 Cross Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4 Plus (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4S (2020-2024) Porsche Taycan 4S (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4S Cross Turismo (2021-2024) Porsche Taycan 4S Cross Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4S Plus (2020-2024) Porsche Taycan 4S Plus (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4S Plus Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan 4S Plus Sport Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4S Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan 4S Sport Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan GTS (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan GTS (2024-...) Porsche Taycan GTS Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan GTS Sport Turismo (2024-...) Porsche Taycan RWD (2021-2024) Porsche Taycan RWD (2024-…) Porsche Taycan RWD Plus (2021-2024) Porsche Taycan RWD Plus (2024-…) Porsche Taycan RWD Plus Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan RWD Plus Sport Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan RWD Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan RWD Sport Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo (2020-2024) Porsche Taycan Turbo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo Cross Turismo (2021-2024) Porsche Taycan Turbo Cross Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo GT (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo GT Weissach Package (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo S (2020-2024) Porsche Taycan Turbo S (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo S Cross Turismo (2021-2024) Porsche Taycan Turbo S Cross Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo S Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan Turbo S Sport Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan Turbo Sport Turismo (2024-…) Renault 4 E-Tech EV40 (2025-...) Renault 4 E-Tech EV52 (2025-...) Renault 5 E-Tech EV40 (2025-...) Renault 5 E-Tech EV52 (2024-...) Renault Fluence Z.E. (2011-2014) Renault Grand Kangoo E-Tech Electric (2024-…) Renault Kangoo E-Tech Electric (2022-…) Renault Kangoo Z.E. 33 Maxi (2017-2022) Renault Kangoo Z.E. Maxi (2011-2017) Renault Megane E-Tech EV40 130hp (2022-…) Renault Megane E-Tech EV60 130hp (2022-…) Renault Megane E-Tech EV60 220hp (2022-…) Renault Scenic E-Tech EV60 170hp (2023-…) Renault Scenic E-Tech EV87 220hp (2023-…) Renault Twingo Z.E. (2020-2024) Renault Zoe Van Z.E. 40 R90 (2016-2019) Renault Zoe Van Z.E. 50 R110 (2020-2023) Renault Zoe Z.E. 40 Q90 (2016-2019) Renault Zoe Z.E. 40 R110 (2018-2022) Renault Zoe Z.E. 40 R75/R90 Entry (2016-2018) Renault Zoe Z.E. 40 R90 (2016-2019) Renault Zoe Z.E. 50 R110 (2019-2023) Renault Zoe Z.E. 50 R135 (2019-2024) Renault Zoe Z.E. Q210 (2012-2016) Renault Zoe Z.E. R240 (2015-2016) Rimac Concept One (2013-2016) Rimac Nevera (2022-…) Rivian R1S Dual Motor AWD Large (2023-…) Rivian R1S Dual Motor AWD Max (2023-…) Rivian R1S Dual Motor AWD Standard (2024-…) Rivian R1S Dual Motor AWD Standard+ (2024-…) Rivian R1S Performance Dual Motor AWD Large (2023-…) Rivian R1S Performance Dual Motor AWD Max (2023-…) Rivian R1S Performance Dual Motor AWD Standard+ (2024-…) Rivian R1S Quad Motor AWD Large (2022-…) Rivian R1T Dual Motor AWD Large (2023-…) Rivian R1T Dual Motor AWD Max (2023-…) Rivian R1T Dual Motor AWD Standard (2024-…) Rivian R1T Dual Motor AWD Standard+ (2024-…) Rivian R1T Performance Dual Motor AWD Large (2023-…) Rivian R1T Performance Dual Motor AWD Max (2023-…) Rivian R1T Performance Dual Motor AWD Standard+ (2024-…) Rivian R1T Quad Motor AWD Large (2022-…) Rolls-Royce Spectre (2023-…) Seat Mii Electric (2019-2021) Škoda Citigo-e iV (2019-2021) Škoda Elroq 50 (2024-...) Škoda Elroq 60 (2024-...) Škoda Elroq 85 (2024-...) Škoda Enyaq 50 (2024-…) Škoda Enyaq 60 (2023-2024) Škoda Enyaq 85 (2023-…) Škoda Enyaq 85x (2023-…) Škoda Enyaq Coupe 60 (2023-2024) Škoda Enyaq Coupe 85 (2023-…) Škoda Enyaq Coupe 85x (2023-…) Škoda Enyaq Coupe iV 60 (2022-2023) Škoda Enyaq Coupe iV 80 (2022-2023) Škoda Enyaq Coupe iV 80x (2023) Škoda Enyaq Coupe iV RS (2022-2023) Škoda Enyaq Coupe RS (2023-…) Škoda Enyaq iV 50 (2021-2023) Škoda Enyaq iV 60 (2021-2023) Škoda Enyaq iV 80 (2021-2023) Škoda Enyaq iV 80x (2021-2023) Škoda Enyaq iV RS (2023) Škoda Enyaq RS (2023-…) Skywell ET5 72 kWh (2022-...) Skywell ET5 86 kWh (2022-...) Smart #1 Brabus (2023-…) Smart #1 Premium (2023-…) Smart #1 Pro (2023-…) Smart #1 Pro+ (2023-…) Smart #1 Pulse (2023-…) Smart #1 Pure (2024-…) Smart #1 Pure+ (2024-…) Smart #3 Brabus (2024-…) Smart #3 Premium (2024-…) Smart #3 Pro (2024-…) Smart #3 Pro+ (2024-…) Smart Electric Drive fortwo coupe (2009-2012) Smart Electric Drive fortwo coupe (2012-2016) Smart EQ forfour (2017-2019) Smart EQ forfour (2020-2022) Smart EQ fortwo cabrio (2017-2019) Smart EQ fortwo cabrio (2020-2023) Smart EQ fortwo coupe (2017-2019) Smart EQ fortwo coupe (2020-2023) Sony Vision-S 01 Subaru Solterra AWD (2022-…) Tesla Cybertruck All-Wheel Drive (2023-…) Tesla Cybertruck Cyberbeast (2024-…) Tesla Cybertruck Rear-Wheel Drive (2025-…) Tesla Model 3 Long Range AWD (2018-2023) Tesla Model 3 Long Range AWD (2023-…) Tesla Model 3 Long Range RWD (2017-2019) Tesla Model 3 Long Range RWD (2024-…) Tesla Model 3 Mid Range (2018-2020) Tesla Model 3 Performance (2018-2024) Tesla Model 3 Performance (2024-…) Tesla Model 3 RWD (2023-…) Tesla Model 3 Standard Range (2019-2020) Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus (2019-2021) Tesla Model S 100D (2017-2019) Tesla Model S 60 (2013-2015) Tesla Model S 60 (2016-2017) Tesla Model S 60D (2016-2017) Tesla Model S 70 (2015-2016) Tesla Model S 70 (2016) Tesla Model S 70D (2015-2016) Tesla Model S 70D (2016) Tesla Model S 75 (2016-2017) Tesla Model S 75D (2016-2019) Tesla Model S 85 (2012-2016) Tesla Model S 85D (2015-2016) Tesla Model S 90D (2015-2016) Tesla Model S 90D (2016-2017) Tesla Model S Dual Motor (2021-…) Tesla Model S Long Range (2019-2020) Tesla Model S Long Range Plus (2020-2021) Tesla Model S P100D (2016-2019) Tesla Model S P85 (2012-2014) Tesla Model S P85D (2014-2016) Tesla Model S P90D (2015-2016) Tesla Model S P90D (2016-2017) Tesla Model S Performance (2019-2020) Tesla Model S Performance (2020-2021) Tesla Model S Plaid (2021-…) Tesla Model S Standard Range (2019-2020) Tesla Model X 100D (2017-2019) Tesla Model X 60D (2016-2017) Tesla Model X 75D (2016-2019) Tesla Model X 90D (2016-2017) Tesla Model X Dual Motor (2021-…) Tesla Model X Long Range (2019-2020) Tesla Model X Long Range Plus (2020-2021) Tesla Model X P100D (2016-2019) Tesla Model X P90D (2016) Tesla Model X Performance (2019-2020) Tesla Model X Performance (2020-2021) Tesla Model X Plaid (2021-…) Tesla Model X Standard Range (2019-2020) Tesla Model Y Long Range AWD (2020-2021) Tesla Model Y Long Range AWD (2022-…) Tesla Model Y Long Range RWD (2024-…) Tesla Model Y Performance (2020-…) Tesla Model Y Standard Range AWD (2022-2023) Tesla Model Y Standard Range RWD (2021-…) Tesla Roadster 1.5 (2007-2009) Tesla Roadster 2.0 (2009-2010) Tesla Roadster 2.5 (2010-2012) Tesla Roadster 2.5 Sport (2010-2012) Tesla Roadster 2025 Toyota bZ4X AWD (2022-…) Toyota bZ4X FWD (2022-…) Toyota Proace City Verso Electric L1 50 kWh (2021-2024) Toyota Proace City Verso Electric L1 52 kWh (2024-...) Toyota Proace City Verso Electric L2 50 kWh (2021-2024) Toyota Proace City Verso Electric L2 52 kWh (2024-...) Toyota Proace Shuttle L 50 kWh (2021-…) Toyota Proace Shuttle L 75 kWh (2021-…) Toyota Proace Shuttle M 50 kWh (2021-…) Toyota Proace Shuttle M 75 kWh (2021-…) Toyota Proace Verso Electric L 50 kWh (2021-2024) Toyota Proace Verso Electric L 75 kWh (2021-2024) Toyota Proace Verso Electric L1 50 kWh (2024-...) Toyota Proace Verso Electric L1 75 kWh (2024-...) Toyota Proace Verso Electric L2 75 kWh (2024-...) Toyota Proace Verso Electric M 50 kWh (2021-2024) Toyota Proace Verso Electric M 75 kWh (2021-2024) Toyota RAV4 EV Gen 2 (2012-2014) VinFast VF 6 Eco (2024-…) VinFast VF 6 Plus (2024-…) VinFast VF 7 Eco (2024-…) VinFast VF 7 Plus (2024-…) VinFast VF 8 Eco (2023-2024) VinFast VF 8 Eco (2024-…) VinFast VF 8 Plus (2023-2024) VinFast VF 8 Plus (2024-…) VinFast VF 9 Eco (2024-…) VinFast VF 9 Plus (2024-…) Volkswagen e-Golf 24.2 kWh (2014-2016) Volkswagen e-Golf 35.8 kWh (2017-2020) Volkswagen e-Up! 18.7 kWh (2013-2019) Volkswagen e-Up! 36.8 kWh (2020-2023) Volkswagen ID.3 1st Edition (2019-2021) Volkswagen ID.3 GTX (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.3 GTX Performance (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro (2020-2023) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro (2023-2024) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro Performance (2020-2023) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro S (2020-2023) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro S (2023-2024) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro S (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.3 Pure (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.3 Pure Performance (2021-2022) Volkswagen ID.4 1st Edition (2020-2021) Volkswagen ID.4 AWD Pro (2021-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 AWD Pro (2023-2024) Volkswagen ID.4 AWD Pro (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.4 GTX (2021-2022) Volkswagen ID.4 GTX (2022-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 GTX (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro (2021-2022) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro (2022-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro (2022-2024) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro 4MOTION (2022-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro 4MOTION (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro Performance (2021-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 Pure (2021-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 Pure (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.4 Pure Performance (2021-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 Standard (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.5 GTX (2022-2023) Volkswagen ID.5 GTX (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.5 Pro (2022-2023) Volkswagen ID.5 Pro (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.5 Pro Performance (2022-2023) Volkswagen ID.5 Pure (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.7 GTX (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.7 Pro (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.7 Pro S (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.7 Tourer GTX (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.7 Tourer Pro (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.7 Tourer Pro S (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Cargo (2022-2024) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Cargo Pro (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Cargo Pro 4MOTION (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Cargo Pure (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz GTX (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Long GTX (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Long Pro S (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Long Pro S 4MOTION (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Pro (2022-2024) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Pro (2024-...) Volvo C40 Recharge (EC40) Pure Electric (2021-2022) Volvo C40 Recharge (EC40) Single Motor (2022-...) Volvo C40 Recharge (EC40) Single Motor Extended Range (2022-...) Volvo C40 Recharge (EC40) Twin Motor (2022-...) Volvo C40 Recharge (EC40) Twin Pure Electric (2021-2022) Volvo EX30 Single Motor (2023-…) Volvo EX30 Single Motor Extended Range (2023-…) Volvo EX30 Twin Motor Performance (2023-…) Volvo EX90 Single Motor (2024-…) Volvo EX90 Twin Motor (2024-…) Volvo EX90 Twin Motor Performance (2024-…) Volvo XC40 Recharge (EX40) P8 AWD (2020-2021) Volvo XC40 Recharge (EX40) Pure Electric (2022) Volvo XC40 Recharge (EX40) Single Motor (2022-…) Volvo XC40 Recharge (EX40) Single Motor Extended Range (2022-…) Volvo XC40 Recharge (EX40) Twin Motor (2022-…) Volvo XC40 Recharge (EX40) Twin Pure Electric (2022) Voyah Free Electric Long Range (2022-...) Xiaomi SU7 (2024-...) Xiaomi SU7 Max (2024-...) Xiaomi SU7 Pro (2024-...) XPENG G6 AWD Performance (2024-...) XPENG G6 RWD Long Range (2024-...) XPENG G6 RWD Standard Range (2024-...) XPENG G9 AWD Performance (2023-…) XPENG G9 RWD Long Range (2023-…) XPENG G9 RWD Standard Range (2023-…) XPENG P7 AWD Performance (2023-…) XPENG P7 RWD Long Range (2023-…) XPENG P7 Wing Edition (2023-…) Zeekr 001 Long Range RWD (2023-…) Zeekr 001 Performance AWD (2023-…) Zeekr 001 Privilege AWD (2023-…) Zeekr X Long Range RWD (2023-…) Zeekr X Privilege AWD (2023-…)
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