Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC vs BMW i5 xDrive40

Side-by-side comparison of all specifications in metric units (km, kg). To see imperial units (mi, lb), switch website version to USA

General Info

The BMW i5 xDrive40 (2024-…) is currently produced, it has a starting price of €75600. The Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC (2022-2024) has been discontinued, it was never offered for sale in Europe.

The two vehicles share the same body style: Sedan.

Property Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC BMW i5 xDrive40
Years of Production 2022-2024 2024-…
Current Status Discontinued Produced
Country of Manufacture Germany, India Germany, China
Body Style Sedan Sedan
Available in the USA Yes Yes
Price Europe (New) - Price Europe (New) €75600
GCC Score 7.2 6.8

Range and Efficiency

While the Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC (2022-2024) offers a longer real-world range and a bigger battery, it is less energy-efficient than the BMW i5 xDrive40 (2024-…).

Property Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC BMW i5 xDrive40
Range (EPA) 547 km 428 km
Range (WLTP) 719 km 538 km
Range (GCC) 554 km 427 km
Battery Capacity (Nominal) 120 kWh 84.4 kWh
Battery Capacity (Usable) 108.4 kWh 81.2 kWh
Efficiency per 100 km 19.6 kWh/100 km 19 kWh/100 km
Efficiency per kWh 5.11 km/kWh 5.26 km/kWh
Range and Efficiency Score 8.3 7


Property Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC BMW i5 xDrive40
Max Charging Power (AC) 11 kW 11 kW
Max Charging Power (DC) 207 kW 206 kW
Architecture 400 V 400 V
Charge Port CCS Type 2 CCS Type 2
Charging Score 7.1 7


Property Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC BMW i5 xDrive40
Drive Type AWD AWD
Motor Type 2 motors: PMSM (front), PMSM (rear) 2 motors: PMSM (front), PMSM (rear)
Motor Power (kW) 265 kW 290 kW
Motor Power (hp) 355 hp 389 hp
Motor Torque 800 Nm 590 Nm
0-100 km/h 5.6 s 5.4 s
Top Speed 210 km/h 215 km/h
Performance Score 6.9 6.7


Property Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC BMW i5 xDrive40
Length 5216 mm 5060 mm
Width (with Mirrors) 2125 mm 2156 mm
Height 1512 mm 1515 mm
Wheelbase 3210 mm 2995 mm

Cargo and Towing

Property Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC BMW i5 xDrive40
Number of Seats 5 5
Curb Weight 2630 kg 2355 kg
Cargo Volume (Trunk) 620 l 490 l
Cargo Volume (Max) 1700 l - Cargo Volume (Max)
Cargo Volume (Frunk) - Cargo Volume (Frunk) - Cargo Volume (Frunk)
Towing Capacity 750 kg 2000 kg
Cargo and Towing Score 6.3 5.9
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