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Home Electric cars Compare Results General Info Range and Efficiency Charging Performance Dimensions Cargo and Towing
General Info Since both vehicles have been discontinued, they are now only available on the used car market. You can get the Tesla Model S Long Range (2019-2020) for as low as €46990, while the Chevrolet Spark EV 21 kWh (2013-2014) was never offered for sale in Europe.
The Chevrolet Spark EV 21 kWh (2013-2014) is a Hatchback, whereas the Tesla Model S Long Range (2019-2020) is a Liftback.
Only show differences Property Chevrolet Spark EV 21 kWh Tesla Model S Long Range Years of Production 2013-2014 Years of Production 2019-2020 Years of Production Current Status Discontinued Current Status Discontinued Current Status Country of Manufacture South Korea Country of Manufacture Netherlands, USA Country of Manufacture Body Style Hatchback Body Style Liftback Body Style Available in the USA Yes Available in the USA Yes Available in the USA Price Europe (Used) - Price Europe (Used) €46990 Price Europe (Used) GCC Score 4.5 GCC Score 7.9 GCC Score
Cargo and Towing Range and Efficiency
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Dodge Charger Daytona 2DR Scat Pack (2024-...) Drako Motors GTE First Edition (2020-…) DS 3 Crossback E-Tense (2020-2022) DS 3 E-Tense (2022-…) Faraday Future FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance (2023-…) Fiat 500e 3+1 24 kWh (2022-…) Fiat 500e 3+1 42 kWh (2020-…) Fiat 500e Cabrio 24 kWh (2022-…) Fiat 500e Cabrio 42 kWh (2020-…) Fiat 500e Hatchback 24 kWh (2013-2019) Fiat 500e Hatchback 24 kWh (2020-…) Fiat 500e Hatchback 42 kWh (2020-…) Fiat 600e (2023-…) Fiat E-Ulysse L2 50 kWh (2022-…) Fiat E-Ulysse L2 75 kWh (2022-…) Fiat E-Ulysse L3 50 kWh (2022-…) Fiat E-Ulysse L3 75 kWh (2022-…) Fiat Grande Panda (2024-...) Fisker Ocean Extreme (2023-2024) Fisker Ocean Ultra (2023-2024) Ford Capri EV Extended Range AWD (2024-…) Ford Capri EV Extended Range RWD (2024-…) Ford Capri EV Standard Range RWD (2024-…) Ford Explorer EV Extended Range AWD (2024-…) Ford Explorer EV Extended Range RWD (2024-…) Ford Explorer EV Standard Range RWD (2024-…) Ford F-150 Lightning Extended Range (2022-…) Ford F-150 Lightning Standard Range (2022-…) Ford Focus Electric 23 kWh (2011-2017) Ford Focus Electric 33 kWh (2017-2018) Ford Mustang Mach-E California Route 1 AWD (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E California Route 1 RWD (2020-2022) Ford Mustang Mach-E California Route 1 RWD (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range AWD (2020-2022) Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range AWD (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range AWD (2023-…) Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range RWD (2020-2022) Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range RWD (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range RWD (2023-…) Ford Mustang Mach-E GT (2021-2022) Ford Mustang Mach-E GT (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E GT (2023-…) Ford Mustang Mach-E GT Performance Edition (2021-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E Rally (2024-…) Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range AWD (2020-2022) Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range AWD (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range AWD (2023-…) Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range RWD (2020-2022) Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range RWD (2022-2023) Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range RWD (2023-…) Ford Puma Gen-E FWD (2024-…) Genesis Electrified G80 AWD (2022-…) Genesis Electrified GV70 AWD (2022-…) Genesis GV60 Advanced AWD (2022-…) Genesis GV60 Performance AWD (2022-…) Genesis GV60 Standard AWD (2024-…) Genesis GV60 Standard RWD (2022-…) GMC Hummer EV Pickup 2X (2023-…) GMC Hummer EV Pickup 3X Extended Range (2021-…) GMC Hummer EV Pickup 3X Standard Range (2023-…) GMC Hummer EV SUV 2X (2024-…) GMC Hummer EV SUV 3X (2023-…) GMC Sierra EV Denali Edition 1 (2024-…) GWM ORA 03 48 kWh (2022-…) GWM ORA 03 63 kWh (2023-…) GWM ORA 03 GT (2023-…) GWM ORA 07 (2024-…) GWM ORA 07 GT (2024-…) Honda Clarity Electric (2017-2019) Honda e (2020-2022) Honda e Advance (2020-2023) Honda eNy1 (2023-…) Honda Fit EV (2013-2015) Honda Prologue AWD (2024-...) Honda Prologue FWD (2024-...) Hongqi E-HS9 120 kWh (2023-...) Hongqi E-HS9 84 kWh (2022-...) Hongqi E-HS9 99 kWh (2022-...) Hyundai Casper (Inster) Electric Long Range (2024-...) Hyundai Casper (Inster) Electric Standard Range (2024-...) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Long Range AWD (2022-2024) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Long Range AWD (2024-…) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Long Range RWD (2021-2022) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Long Range RWD (2022-2024) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Long Range RWD (2024-…) Hyundai Ioniq 5 N (2023-…) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Project 45 (2021) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Standard Range AWD (2021-2022) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Standard Range RWD (2021-2024) Hyundai Ioniq 5 Standard Range RWD (2024-…) Hyundai Ioniq 6 Long Range AWD (2022-…) Hyundai Ioniq 6 Long Range RWD (2022-…) Hyundai Ioniq 6 Standard Range RWD (2023-…) Hyundai Ioniq 9 Long Range AWD (2025-…) Hyundai Ioniq 9 Long Range RWD (2025-…) Hyundai Ioniq 9 Performance AWD (2025-…) Hyundai Ioniq Electric Gen 1 (2016-2019) Hyundai Ioniq Electric Gen 2 (2019-2022) Hyundai Kona Electric Long Range (2018-2019) Hyundai Kona Electric Long Range (2019-2021) Hyundai Kona Electric Long Range (2021-2023) Hyundai Kona Electric Long Range (2023-…) Hyundai Kona Electric Standard Range (2018-2019) Hyundai Kona Electric Standard Range (2019-2021) Hyundai Kona Electric Standard Range (2021-2023) Hyundai Kona Electric Standard Range (2023-…) Jaguar I-Pace EV320 (2020-2024) Jaguar I-Pace EV400 (2018-2020) Jaguar I-Pace EV400 (2020-…) Jeep Avenger Electric (2023-…) Jeep Wagoneer S (2024-…) KGM Torres EVX (2024-...) Kia EV3 Long Range (2024-…) Kia EV3 Standard Range (2024-…) Kia EV6 GT (2022-2024) Kia EV6 GT (2025-…) Kia EV6 Long Range AWD (2021-2024) Kia EV6 Long Range AWD (2024-…) Kia EV6 Long Range RWD (2021-2024) Kia EV6 Long Range RWD (2024-…) Kia EV6 Standard Range RWD (2021-2024) Kia EV6 Standard Range RWD (2024-…) Kia EV9 GT (2025-…) Kia EV9 GT Line AWD (2023-…) Kia EV9 Long Range AWD (2023-…) Kia EV9 Long Range RWD (2023-…) Kia EV9 Standard Range RWD (2023-…) Kia Niro EV Long Range (2018-2022) Kia Niro EV Long Range (2022-…) Kia Niro EV Standard Range (2019-2022) Kia Soul EV (2014-2017) Kia Soul EV (2017-2019) Kia Soul EV Long Range (2020-…) Kia Soul EV Standard Range (2020-…) Lancia Ypsilon (2024-...) Leapmotor C10 (2024-..) Leapmotor T03 (2024-..) Lexus RZ 300e (2024-…) Lexus RZ 450e (2022-…) Lexus UX 300e (2020-2023) Lexus UX 300e (2023-…) Lightyear 0 (2022-2023) Lotus Eletre (2023-…) Lotus Eletre R (2023-…) Lotus Eletre S (2023-…) Lotus Emeya (2024-...) Lotus Emeya R (2024-...) Lotus Emeya S (2024-...) Lucid Air Dream Edition Performance (2021-2022) Lucid Air Dream Edition Range (2021-2022) Lucid Air Grand Touring (2022-…) Lucid Air Grand Touring Performance (2022-2024) Lucid Air Pure AWD (2023-2024) Lucid Air Pure RWD (2022-…) Lucid Air Sapphire (2023-…) Lucid Air Touring (2022-…) Lucid Gravity Grand Touring (2024-…) Maserati GranCabrio Folgore (2024-…) Maserati GranTurismo Folgore (2024-…) Maserati Grecale Folgore (2024-…) Mazda MX-30 Electric (2020-…) Mercedes B 250e (2014-2017) Mercedes EQA 250 (2021-2023) Mercedes EQA 250 (2023-…) Mercedes EQA 250+ (2022-2023) Mercedes EQA 250+ (2023-…) Mercedes EQA 300 4MATIC (2021-2023) Mercedes EQA 300 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQA 350 4MATIC (2021-2023) Mercedes EQA 350 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQB 250 (2022-2023) Mercedes EQB 250+ (2022-2023) Mercedes EQB 250+ (2023-…) Mercedes EQB 300 4MATIC (2022-2023) Mercedes EQB 300 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQB 350 4MATIC (2022-2023) Mercedes EQB 350 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQC 400 4MATIC (2019-2023) Mercedes EQE 300 (2022-…) Mercedes EQE 350 (2022-2023) Mercedes EQE 350 4MATIC (2022-…) Mercedes EQE 350+ (2022-2024) Mercedes EQE 350+ (2024-…) Mercedes EQE 500 4MATIC (2022-…) Mercedes EQE AMG 43 4MATIC (2022-…) Mercedes EQE AMG 53 4MATIC+ (2022-…) Mercedes EQE SUV 300 (2023-…) Mercedes EQE SUV 350 4MATIC (2022-…) Mercedes EQE SUV 350+ (2022-2023) Mercedes EQE SUV 350+ (2023-…) Mercedes EQE SUV 500 4MATIC (2022-2023) Mercedes EQE SUV 500 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQE SUV AMG 43 4MATIC (2022-…) Mercedes EQE SUV AMG 53 4MATIC+ (2023-…) Mercedes EQS 350 (2021-2022) Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC (2022-2024) Mercedes EQS 450 4MATIC (2024-…) Mercedes EQS 450+ (2021-2024) Mercedes EQS 450+ (2024-…) Mercedes EQS 500 4MATIC (2022-2024) Mercedes EQS 500 4MATIC (2024-…) Mercedes EQS 580 4MATIC (2021-2024) Mercedes EQS 580 4MATIC (2024-…) Mercedes EQS AMG 53 4MATIC+ (2022-2024) Mercedes EQS AMG 53 4MATIC+ (2024-…) Mercedes EQS SUV 450 4MATIC (2022-2023) Mercedes EQS SUV 450 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQS SUV 450+ (2022-2023) Mercedes EQS SUV 450+ (2023-…) Mercedes EQS SUV 500 4MATIC (2022-2023) Mercedes EQS SUV 500 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQS SUV 580 4MATIC (2022-2023) Mercedes EQS SUV 580 4MATIC (2023-…) Mercedes EQS SUV Maybach 680 (2024-…) Mercedes EQT 200 Long (2024-…) Mercedes EQT 200 Standard (2023-…) Mercedes EQV 250 Extra Long (2021-2024) Mercedes EQV 250 Extra Long (2024-...) Mercedes EQV 250 Long (2021-2024) Mercedes EQV 250 Long (2024-...) Mercedes EQV 300 Extra-Long (2020-2024) Mercedes EQV 300 Extra-Long (2024-...) Mercedes EQV 300 Long (2020-2024) Mercedes EQV 300 Long (2024-...) Mercedes eVito Tourer Extra-Long 41 kWh (2019-2020) Mercedes eVito Tourer Extra-Long 60 kWh (2022-2023) Mercedes eVito Tourer Extra-Long 90 kWh (2020-2023) Mercedes eVito Tourer Long 41 kWh (2019-2020) Mercedes eVito Tourer Long 60 kWh (2022-2023) Mercedes eVito Tourer Long 90 kWh (2020-2023) Mercedes G 580 EQ (2024-…) MG Cyberster GT Dual Motor (2024-...) MG Cyberster Trophy Single Motor (2024-...) MG Marvel R (2021-…) MG Marvel R Performance (2021-…) MG MG4 Electric 51 kWh (2022-…) MG MG4 Electric 64 kWh (2022-…) MG MG4 Electric 77 kWh (2023-…) MG MG4 Electric XPOWER (2023-…) MG MG5 Electric Long Range (2020-2021) MG MG5 Electric Long Range (2022-…) MG MG5 Electric Standard Range (2020-2021) MG MG5 Electric Standard Range (2022-…) MG ZS EV Gen 1 (2019-2021) MG ZS EV Long Range (2021-…) MG ZS EV Standard Range (2021-…) Mini Aceman E (2024-…) Mini Aceman JCW (2024-…) Mini Aceman SE (2024-…) Mini Cooper E (2023-…) Mini Cooper JCW (2024-…) Mini Cooper SE (2020-2021) Mini Cooper SE (2021-2024) Mini Cooper SE (2023-…) Mini Cooper SE Convertible (2023-2024) Mini Countryman E (2024-…) Mini Countryman SE ALL4 (2024-…) Mitsubishi i-MiEV Gen 1 (2010-2021) NIO EL6 Long Range (2023-…) NIO EL6 Standard Range (2023-…) NIO EL7 Long Range (2022-…) NIO EL7 Standard Range (2022-…) NIO EL8 Long Range (2024-…) NIO EL8 Standard Range (2024-…) NIO ET5 Long Range (2022-…) NIO ET5 Standard Range (2022-…) NIO ET5 Touring Long Range (2023-…) NIO ET5 Touring Standard Range (2023-…) NIO ET7 Long Range (2022-…) NIO ET7 Standard Range (2022-…) Nissan Ariya 63 kWh e-4ORCE AWD (2021-…) Nissan Ariya 63 kWh FWD (2021-…) Nissan Ariya 87 kWh e-4ORCE AWD 225 kW (2021-…) Nissan Ariya 87 kWh e-4ORCE AWD 290 kW (2023-…) Nissan Ariya 87 kWh e-4ORCE AWD Nismo (2024-…) Nissan Ariya 87 kWh FWD (2021-…) Nissan e-NV200 24 kWh (2014-2018) Nissan e-NV200 Evalia (2018-2021) Nissan Leaf 24 kWh (2010-2013) Nissan Leaf 24 kWh (2013-2018) Nissan Leaf 30 kWh (2015-2018) Nissan Leaf 40 kWh (2017-2022) Nissan Leaf 40 kWh (2022-…) Nissan Leaf 60 kWh (2022-…) Nissan Leaf 62 kWh (2017-2022) Nissan Townstar EV Passenger (2023-…) Omoda E5 (2024-...) Opel Ampera-e Gen 1 (2016-2021) Opel Astra Electric (2023-…) Opel Astra Electric Sports Tourer (2023-…) Opel Combo Electric Life 50 kWh (2021-2024) Opel Combo Electric Life 52 kWh (2024-...) Opel Combo Electric Life XL 50 kWh (2021-2024) Opel Combo Electric Life XL 52 kWh (2024-...) Opel Corsa Electric 50 kWh (2020-2021) Opel Corsa Electric 50 kWh (2021-2023) Opel Corsa Electric 50 kWh (2023-…) Opel Corsa Electric 51 kWh (2023-…) Opel Frontera Electric 44 kWh (2024-…) Opel Grandland Electric 73 kWh (2024-…) Opel Grandland Electric 82 kWh (2024-…) Opel Mokka Electric 50 kWh (2020-2021) Opel Mokka Electric 50 kWh (2021-2023) Opel Mokka Electric 50 kWh (2023-...) Opel Mokka Electric 54 kWh (2023-…) Opel Zafira Electric Life L 50 kWh (2020-2024) Opel Zafira Electric Life L 75 kWh (2021-2024) Opel Zafira Electric Life L2 50 kWh (2024-...) Opel Zafira Electric Life L2 75 kWh (2024-...) Opel Zafira Electric Life L3 50 kWh (2024-...) Opel Zafira Electric Life L3 75 kWh (2024-...) Opel Zafira Electric Life M 50 kWh (2020-2024) Opel Zafira Electric Life M 75 kWh (2021-2024) Opel Zafira Electric Life S 50 kWh (2020-2021) Peugeot e-2008 50 kWh (2020-2021) Peugeot e-2008 50 kWh (2021-2023) Peugeot e-2008 50 kWh (2023-…) Peugeot e-2008 54 kWh (2023-…) Peugeot e-208 50 kWh (2020-2021) Peugeot e-208 50 kWh (2021-2023) Peugeot e-208 50 kWh (2023-…) Peugeot e-208 51 kWh (2022-2023) Peugeot e-208 51 kWh (2023-…) Peugeot e-3008 73 kWh Dual Motor AWD (2024-…) Peugeot e-3008 73 kWh FWD (2024-…) Peugeot e-3008 98 kWh Long Range FWD (2024-…) Peugeot e-308 Hatchback (2023-…) Peugeot e-308 Station Wagon (2023-…) Peugeot e-408 58 kWh (2024-…) Peugeot e-5008 73 kWh Dual Motor AWD (2025-…) Peugeot e-5008 73 kWh FWD (2024-…) Peugeot e-5008 98 kWh Long Range FWD (2024-…) Peugeot e-Rifter Long 50 kWh (2021-…) Peugeot E-Rifter Standart 50 kWh (2021-…) Peugeot e-Traveller Compact 50 kWh (2021-2022) Peugeot e-Traveller Long 50 kWh (2020-…) Peugeot e-Traveller Long 75 kWh (2021-…) Peugeot e-Traveller Standard 75 kWh (2021-…) Peugeot E-Traveller Standart 50 kWh (2020-…) Peugeot iOn Gen 1 (2010-2020) Peugeot Partner Tepee Electric (2017-2020) Polestar 2 Long Range Dual Motor (2020-2023) Polestar 2 Long Range Dual Motor (2023-…) Polestar 2 Long Range Dual Motor (2023) Polestar 2 Long Range Performance (2021-2023) Polestar 2 Long Range Performance (2023-…) Polestar 2 Long Range Single Motor (2021-2023) Polestar 2 Long Range Single Motor (2023-…) Polestar 2 Standard Range Single Motor (2021-2022) Polestar 2 Standard Range Single Motor (2022-2023) Polestar 2 Standard Range Single Motor (2023-2024) Polestar 2 Standard Range Single Motor (2024-…) Polestar 3 Long Range Dual Motor (2024-…) Polestar 3 Long Range Performance (2024-…) Polestar 3 Long Range Single Motor (2024-…) Polestar 4 Long Range Dual Motor (2024-…) Polestar 4 Long Range Single Motor (2024-…) Porsche Macan 4 Electric (2024-…) Porsche Macan 4S Electric (2024-…) Porsche Macan RWD Electric (2024-…) Porsche Macan Turbo Electric (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4 (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4 Cross Turismo (2021-2024) Porsche Taycan 4 Cross Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4 Plus (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4S (2020-2024) Porsche Taycan 4S (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4S Cross Turismo (2021-2024) Porsche Taycan 4S Cross Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4S Plus (2020-2024) Porsche Taycan 4S Plus (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4S Plus Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan 4S Plus Sport Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan 4S Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan 4S Sport Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan GTS (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan GTS (2024-...) Porsche Taycan GTS Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan GTS Sport Turismo (2024-...) Porsche Taycan RWD (2021-2024) Porsche Taycan RWD (2024-…) Porsche Taycan RWD Plus (2021-2024) Porsche Taycan RWD Plus (2024-…) Porsche Taycan RWD Plus Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan RWD Plus Sport Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan RWD Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan RWD Sport Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo (2020-2024) Porsche Taycan Turbo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo Cross Turismo (2021-2024) Porsche Taycan Turbo Cross Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo GT (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo GT Weissach Package (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo S (2020-2024) Porsche Taycan Turbo S (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo S Cross Turismo (2021-2024) Porsche Taycan Turbo S Cross Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo S Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan Turbo S Sport Turismo (2024-…) Porsche Taycan Turbo Sport Turismo (2022-2024) Porsche Taycan Turbo Sport Turismo (2024-…) Renault 4 E-Tech EV40 (2025-...) Renault 4 E-Tech EV52 (2025-...) Renault 5 E-Tech EV40 (2025-...) Renault 5 E-Tech EV52 (2024-...) Renault Fluence Z.E. (2011-2014) Renault Grand Kangoo E-Tech Electric (2024-…) Renault Kangoo E-Tech Electric (2022-…) Renault Kangoo Z.E. 33 Maxi (2017-2022) Renault Kangoo Z.E. Maxi (2011-2017) Renault Megane E-Tech EV40 130hp (2022-…) Renault Megane E-Tech EV60 130hp (2022-…) Renault Megane E-Tech EV60 220hp (2022-…) Renault Scenic E-Tech EV60 170hp (2023-…) Renault Scenic E-Tech EV87 220hp (2023-…) Renault Twingo Z.E. (2020-2024) Renault Zoe Van Z.E. 40 R90 (2016-2019) Renault Zoe Van Z.E. 50 R110 (2020-2023) Renault Zoe Z.E. 40 Q90 (2016-2019) Renault Zoe Z.E. 40 R110 (2018-2022) Renault Zoe Z.E. 40 R75/R90 Entry (2016-2018) Renault Zoe Z.E. 40 R90 (2016-2019) Renault Zoe Z.E. 50 R110 (2019-2023) Renault Zoe Z.E. 50 R135 (2019-2024) Renault Zoe Z.E. Q210 (2012-2016) Renault Zoe Z.E. R240 (2015-2016) Rimac Concept One (2013-2016) Rimac Nevera (2022-…) Rivian R1S Dual Motor AWD Large (2023-…) Rivian R1S Dual Motor AWD Max (2023-…) Rivian R1S Dual Motor AWD Standard (2024-…) Rivian R1S Dual Motor AWD Standard+ (2024-…) Rivian R1S Performance Dual Motor AWD Large (2023-…) Rivian R1S Performance Dual Motor AWD Max (2023-…) Rivian R1S Performance Dual Motor AWD Standard+ (2024-…) Rivian R1S Quad Motor AWD Large (2022-…) Rivian R1T Dual Motor AWD Large (2023-…) Rivian R1T Dual Motor AWD Max (2023-…) Rivian R1T Dual Motor AWD Standard (2024-…) Rivian R1T Dual Motor AWD Standard+ (2024-…) Rivian R1T Performance Dual Motor AWD Large (2023-…) Rivian R1T Performance Dual Motor AWD Max (2023-…) Rivian R1T Performance Dual Motor AWD Standard+ (2024-…) Rivian R1T Quad Motor AWD Large (2022-…) Rolls-Royce Spectre (2023-…) Seat Mii Electric (2019-2021) Škoda Citigo-e iV (2019-2021) Škoda Elroq 50 (2024-...) Škoda Elroq 60 (2024-...) Škoda Elroq 85 (2024-...) Škoda Enyaq 50 (2024-…) Škoda Enyaq 60 (2023-2024) Škoda Enyaq 85 (2023-…) Škoda Enyaq 85x (2023-…) Škoda Enyaq Coupe 60 (2023-2024) Škoda Enyaq Coupe 85 (2023-…) Škoda Enyaq Coupe 85x (2023-…) Škoda Enyaq Coupe iV 60 (2022-2023) Škoda Enyaq Coupe iV 80 (2022-2023) Škoda Enyaq Coupe iV 80x (2023) Škoda Enyaq Coupe iV RS (2022-2023) Škoda Enyaq Coupe RS (2023-…) Škoda Enyaq iV 50 (2021-2023) Škoda Enyaq iV 60 (2021-2023) Škoda Enyaq iV 80 (2021-2023) Škoda Enyaq iV 80x (2021-2023) Škoda Enyaq iV RS (2023) Škoda Enyaq RS (2023-…) Skywell ET5 72 kWh (2022-...) Skywell ET5 86 kWh (2022-...) Smart #1 Brabus (2023-…) Smart #1 Premium (2023-…) Smart #1 Pro (2023-…) Smart #1 Pro+ (2023-…) Smart #1 Pulse (2023-…) Smart #1 Pure (2024-…) Smart #1 Pure+ (2024-…) Smart #3 Brabus (2024-…) Smart #3 Premium (2024-…) Smart #3 Pro (2024-…) Smart #3 Pro+ (2024-…) Smart Electric Drive fortwo coupe (2009-2012) Smart Electric Drive fortwo coupe (2012-2016) Smart EQ forfour (2017-2019) Smart EQ forfour (2020-2022) Smart EQ fortwo cabrio (2017-2019) Smart EQ fortwo cabrio (2020-2023) Smart EQ fortwo coupe (2017-2019) Smart EQ fortwo coupe (2020-2023) Sony Vision-S 01 Subaru Solterra AWD (2022-…) Tesla Cybertruck All-Wheel Drive (2023-…) Tesla Cybertruck Cyberbeast (2024-…) Tesla Cybertruck Rear-Wheel Drive (2025-…) Tesla Model 3 Long Range AWD (2018-2023) Tesla Model 3 Long Range AWD (2023-…) Tesla Model 3 Long Range RWD (2017-2019) Tesla Model 3 Long Range RWD (2024-…) Tesla Model 3 Mid Range (2018-2020) Tesla Model 3 Performance (2018-2024) Tesla Model 3 Performance (2024-…) Tesla Model 3 RWD (2023-…) Tesla Model 3 Standard Range (2019-2020) Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus (2019-2021) Tesla Model S 100D (2017-2019) Tesla Model S 60 (2013-2015) Tesla Model S 60 (2016-2017) Tesla Model S 60D (2016-2017) Tesla Model S 70 (2015-2016) Tesla Model S 70 (2016) Tesla Model S 70D (2015-2016) Tesla Model S 70D (2016) Tesla Model S 75 (2016-2017) Tesla Model S 75D (2016-2019) Tesla Model S 85 (2012-2016) Tesla Model S 85D (2015-2016) Tesla Model S 90D (2015-2016) Tesla Model S 90D (2016-2017) Tesla Model S Dual Motor (2021-…) Tesla Model S Long Range (2019-2020) Tesla Model S Long Range Plus (2020-2021) Tesla Model S P100D (2016-2019) Tesla Model S P85 (2012-2014) Tesla Model S P85D (2014-2016) Tesla Model S P90D (2015-2016) Tesla Model S P90D (2016-2017) Tesla Model S Performance (2019-2020) Tesla Model S Performance (2020-2021) Tesla Model S Plaid (2021-…) Tesla Model S Standard Range (2019-2020) Tesla Model X 100D (2017-2019) Tesla Model X 60D (2016-2017) Tesla Model X 75D (2016-2019) Tesla Model X 90D (2016-2017) Tesla Model X Dual Motor (2021-…) Tesla Model X Long Range (2019-2020) Tesla Model X Long Range Plus (2020-2021) Tesla Model X P100D (2016-2019) Tesla Model X P90D (2016) Tesla Model X Performance (2019-2020) Tesla Model X Performance (2020-2021) Tesla Model X Plaid (2021-…) Tesla Model X Standard Range (2019-2020) Tesla Model Y Long Range AWD (2020-2021) Tesla Model Y Long Range AWD (2022-…) Tesla Model Y Long Range RWD (2024-…) Tesla Model Y Performance (2020-…) Tesla Model Y Standard Range AWD (2022-2023) Tesla Model Y Standard Range RWD (2021-…) Tesla Roadster 1.5 (2007-2009) Tesla Roadster 2.0 (2009-2010) Tesla Roadster 2.5 (2010-2012) Tesla Roadster 2.5 Sport (2010-2012) Tesla Roadster 2025 Toyota bZ4X AWD (2022-…) Toyota bZ4X FWD (2022-…) Toyota Proace City Verso Electric L1 50 kWh (2022-…) Toyota Proace City Verso Electric L2 50 kWh (2022-…) Toyota Proace Shuttle L 50 kWh (2021-…) Toyota Proace Shuttle L 75 kWh (2021-…) Toyota Proace Shuttle M 50 kWh (2021-…) Toyota Proace Shuttle M 75 kWh (2021-…) Toyota Proace Verso L 75 kWh (2021-…) Toyota Proace Verso M 50 kWh (2021-2022) Toyota Proace Verso M 75 kWh (2021-…) Toyota RAV4 EV Gen 2 (2012-2014) VinFast VF 6 Eco (2024-…) VinFast VF 6 Plus (2024-…) VinFast VF 7 Eco (2024-…) VinFast VF 7 Plus (2024-…) VinFast VF 8 Eco (2023-2024) VinFast VF 8 Eco (2024-…) VinFast VF 8 Plus (2023-2024) VinFast VF 8 Plus (2024-…) VinFast VF 9 Eco (2024-…) VinFast VF 9 Plus (2024-…) Volkswagen e-Golf 24.2 kWh (2014-2016) Volkswagen e-Golf 35.8 kWh (2017-2020) Volkswagen e-Up! 18.7 kWh (2013-2019) Volkswagen e-Up! 36.8 kWh (2020-2023) Volkswagen ID.3 1st Edition (2019-2021) Volkswagen ID.3 GTX (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.3 GTX Performance (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro (2020-2023) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro (2023-2024) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro Performance (2020-2023) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro S (2020-2023) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro S (2023-2024) Volkswagen ID.3 Pro S (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.3 Pure (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.3 Pure Performance (2021-2022) Volkswagen ID.4 1st Edition (2020-2021) Volkswagen ID.4 AWD Pro (2021-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 AWD Pro (2023-2024) Volkswagen ID.4 AWD Pro (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.4 GTX (2021-2022) Volkswagen ID.4 GTX (2022-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 GTX (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro (2021-2022) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro (2022-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro (2022-2024) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro 4MOTION (2022-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro 4MOTION (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.4 Pro Performance (2021-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 Pure (2021-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 Pure (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.4 Pure Performance (2021-2023) Volkswagen ID.4 Standard (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.5 GTX (2022-2023) Volkswagen ID.5 GTX (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.5 Pro (2022-2023) Volkswagen ID.5 Pro (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.5 Pro Performance (2022-2023) Volkswagen ID.7 GTX (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.7 Pro (2023-…) Volkswagen ID.7 Pro S (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.7 Tourer GTX (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.7 Tourer Pro (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.7 Tourer Pro S (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Cargo (2022-2024) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Cargo Pro (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Cargo Pro 4MOTION (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Cargo Pure (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz GTX (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Long GTX (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Long Pro S (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Long Pro S 4MOTION (2024-…) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Pro (2022-2024) Volkswagen ID.Buzz Pro (2024-...) Volvo C40 Recharge (EC40) Pure Electric (2021-2022) Volvo C40 Recharge (EC40) Single Motor (2022-...) Volvo C40 Recharge (EC40) Single Motor Extended Range (2022-...) Volvo C40 Recharge (EC40) Twin Motor (2022-...) Volvo C40 Recharge (EC40) Twin Pure Electric (2021-2022) Volvo EX30 Single Motor (2023-…) Volvo EX30 Single Motor Extended Range (2023-…) Volvo EX30 Twin Motor Performance (2023-…) Volvo EX90 Single Motor (2024-…) Volvo EX90 Twin Motor (2024-…) Volvo EX90 Twin Motor Performance (2024-…) Volvo XC40 Recharge (EX40) P8 AWD (2020-2021) Volvo XC40 Recharge (EX40) Pure Electric (2022) Volvo XC40 Recharge (EX40) Single Motor (2022-…) Volvo XC40 Recharge (EX40) Single Motor Extended Range (2022-…) Volvo XC40 Recharge (EX40) Twin Motor (2022-…) Volvo XC40 Recharge (EX40) Twin Pure Electric (2022) Voyah Free Electric Long Range (2022-...) Xiaomi SU7 (2024-...) Xiaomi SU7 Max (2024-...) Xiaomi SU7 Pro (2024-...) XPENG G6 AWD Performance (2024-...) XPENG G6 RWD Long Range (2024-...) XPENG G6 RWD Standard Range (2024-...) XPENG G9 AWD Performance (2023-…) XPENG G9 RWD Long Range (2023-…) XPENG G9 RWD Standard Range (2023-…) XPENG P7 AWD Performance (2023-…) XPENG P7 RWD Long Range (2023-…) XPENG P7 Wing Edition (2023-…) Zeekr 001 Long Range RWD (2023-…) Zeekr 001 Performance AWD (2023-…) Zeekr 001 Privilege AWD (2023-…) Zeekr X Long Range RWD (2023-…) Zeekr X Privilege AWD (2023-…)
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