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- Home
- Electric cars
- Audi
Audi Electric Vehicles (USA)
Audi Q4 e-tron 55 quattro
- Produced
- 2023-…
- Price (USA)
- $55,200
- Real Range
- 258 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 5 s
- Discontinued
- 2019-2022
- Price (USA)
- $32,000
- Real Range
- 217 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 5.5 s
Not available in the USA - Real Range
- 169 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 6.5 s
Not available in the USA - Real Range
- 271 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 6.4 s
- Discontinued
- 2021-2024
- Price (USA)
- $36,996
- Real Range
- 259 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 7.9 s
Audi e-tron Sportback 55 quattro
- Discontinued
- 2020-2022
- Price (USA)
- $41,587
- Real Range
- 218 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 5.5 s
- Discontinued
- 2021-2024
- Price (USA)
- $76,500
- Real Range
- 247 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 3.9 s
Audi e-tron Sportback 50 quattro
Not available in the USA - Real Range
- 173 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 6.5 s
Not available in the USA - Real Range
- 269 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 6.7 s
Audi A6 Sportback e-tron Performance
Not available in the USA - Real Range
- 388 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 5.2 s
- Produced
- 2024-…
- Price (USA)
- $65,800
- Real Range
- 308 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 4.9 s
- Produced
- 2024-…
- Price (USA)
- $72,900
- Real Range
- 298 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 4.1 s
Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron 40
Not available in the USA - Real Range
- 270 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 8.2 s
- Produced
- 2024-…
- Price (USA)
- $125,500
- Real Range
- 308 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 3.2 s
- Discontinued
- 2020-2022
- Price (USA)
- $44,999
- Real Range
- 196 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 4.3 s
Not available in the USA - Real Range
- 182 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 8.6 s
Audi A6 Avant e-tron Performance
Not available in the USA - Real Range
- 365 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 5.2 s
- Produced
- 2023-…
- Price (USA)
- $89,900
- Real Range
- 238 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 4.2 s
Audi Q8 e-tron 55 quattro
- Produced
- 2022-…
- Price (USA)
- $74,400
- Real Range
- 283 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 5.4 s
Not available in the USA - Real Range
- 179 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 8.6 s
Not available in the USA - Real Range
- 305 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 2.7 s
Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron 45
Not available in the USA - Real Range
- 281 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 6.4 s
Audi Q4 e-tron 45 quattro
Not available in the USA - Real Range
- 264 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 6.3 s
Audi Q4 e-tron 50 quattro
- Discontinued
- 2021-2024
- Price (USA)
- $40,990
- Real Range
- 240 mi
- 0-60 mph
- 5.8 s
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